Friday, September 9, 2011

Shout out

Shoutout to my friends abroad! Sarah, Kaitlin, Lisa, Nicole- love reading your blogs/skyping and hearing about your adventures! Please take me with you next time. But only if you go somewhere that doesn't smell funny, and has lots of good food, oh and hot boys. Ahem Nicole? Australia? I'd be honored! Is the credit card included?

Shoutout to my niece, Darby, who is turning 3 in a few days, and who will never read this. But who really does anyway? I just wanted to clear the air with you, Darby, and say I forgive you for coming along on the beach trip this summer and stealing all the attention away from me. Even though I have been the baby of the family for many years now and am used to being spoiled, the center of attention, beloved...sigh...I guess I'm ready to come to terms with the fact that you're cuter and easier to hold.. but I'm still smarter!

Shoutout to the rat that I performed brain surgery on yesterday in my research class. Number 13, you may not remember me but I will never forget you- my first patient. Thank you for waking up at the end of the procedure, and please don't bite me in the near future.

Shoutout to mornings. I love you! You are so peaceful and quiet and serene. Wait, are those all synonyms? Hey it's morning, my brain isn't functioning yet.

Shoutout to my roomies. Forgive me for going to bed 8 hours before you every night? I'm sorry! It's the only way I can enjoy the afore mentioned morning. Can we start hanging out at 7AM instead of 1 AM? I'll make you coffee!

Shoutout to the weekend. I'm so glad you're here! Please stay. This week was so long. What? It was only the first week of school? I'm positive it must have been at least week three. Is it too late to go back to summer? Minus the blazing temperatures?

Shoutout to you! You're the coolest and the prettiest and the funniest and I want to hang out with you rightthisverysecond. See you soon!

"Help us not only to receive Him but to walk in Him, depend upon Him, commune with Him, follow Him as dear children, imperfect, but still pressing forward, not complaining of labor, but valuing rest, not murmuring under trials, but thankful for our state. And by so doing let us silence the ignorance of foolish men." Valley of Vision